
The Galactic Centre and SgrA* is a unique laboratory for fundamental physics studies. Being the nearest supermassive compact object to planet Earth, it allows for probing the smallest spatial scales with high angular resolution instrumentation such as adaptive optics at the Keck and VLT telescopes, (sub-)mm long baseline interferometry with the EHT and infrared long baseline interferometry with Gravity/VLTI, space telescopes such as the James Webb or NuSTAR satellites. Its low accretion rate allows for a relatively minor astrophysical complexity concerning other counterparts.

A wealth of measurements and fundamental physics results has been obtained in its context, from the celebrated 2020 Nobel prize to the EHT images, from General Relativity tests to alternative theories of gravity and dark matter. The general understanding is that the compact object at SgrA* is a black hole. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe once wrote, "We only see what we know". Black holes have been known theoretically since 1915 and are obvious candidates for what we see at SgrA*. But is this all that there is?

SgrA* is a future candidate for new instruments and facilities such as EHT high frequency and more extended baselines development, ERIS, Gravity+, extremely large telescopes in the Southern hemisphere and space gravitational waves detection with LISA. How can these developments test fundamental physics at SgrA*?

This workshop aims to bring together experts to foster discussions of new ideas and present the state-of-the-art in the area. Expected themes are the current status of measurements (including data limitations), General Relativity tests, Extreme/exotic compact objects, ultra-light dark matter, extended mass distributions, black hole hair, and synergies between facilities, among many others.

By design, this is a small workshop limited to 100 participants and with significant time allowed for networking. The formal talks will occur on day 1 (December 15th, Friday),  day 2 (the morning of December 16th, Saturday) and day 4 (December 18th, Monday). The time between (the afternoon of day 2 and day 3) can be used individually and freely for meetings and networking anywhere in town. If you need a meeting space, please get in touch with the organizers.

The workshop will take place in the beautiful Palácio da Bolsa at Ribeira, Porto, to inspire its participants.

Registration for the event will start on September 29th and end when the 100 places are filled. The deadline to submit abstracts is November 10th. Please follow the registration instructions.


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